Tuesday 14 May 2013

How to Not Fail at Life

Terrific Tip Tuesday. I really do like the sound of alliteration in the morning!

1. Don't live.
If you don't live, you can't fail at life ;) 
Only kidding, but if you don't take life too seriously then there is less opportunity for you to feel like you haven't met expectations and ultimately you have failed at life. Even the fact we stand here, living and breathing means we are winning at life but I know that as a human race, we put such heavy demands on ourselves and then feel crushed with disappointment if we don't live up to what we wanted to. Chill. This moves on to my next point...
2. Enjoy it.
Rather than worrying and spending all your time telling yourself what you should be doing/what you can't do, just get out there and enjoy what you can do. It's a heck of a lot easier to be happy and feel encouraged when we look at our strengths and not our weaknesses.
3. Never compare.
Everything in life is a competition. Oh, so and so scored x on their exam and so I need to beat her or I'm not as smart or good enough. Oh, so and so earns x amount per month and has x amount to spend on anything they want. Oh, so and so had a baby last month. It's like a never ending cycle of trying to be one better than someone else and feeling the need to compete with everything. I'd like to see people competing at how high they can jump off cliffs and still survive because it's stupid to match ourselves against someone who is wildly different to us. 
The secret to winning at life is to stop competing with others and compete with yourself. If you had x amount of money saved one month, try and save more the next. The achievement of bettering yourself will definitely contribute to you feeling like you're winning. 
4. Don't worry about the small stuff.
Life is too short for people to hold grudges or hold things against yourself. What is done is done and you can't change that. What you can change is the outlook on your life ahead. If you worry and harp on about the small incident you had last year, you're never going to move on to brighter, happier things- you'll forever be stuck in the rut of hating yourself. Just let it go, don't worry and move on. 
5. Love.
Hating takes up too much energy, plus you'll mar your beautiful face with an ugly grimace at the person you're hating.
6. Try.
Just try at everything you do in life. You can't possibly fail at life if you give it your everything. 

"Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." ~ William Shakespeare.

Love to you all, 

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