Monday 13 May 2013

Motivational Monday #4

I wish I had a theme tune for this segment of my blog. That'd be cool. If any of you are good at singing, and composing a little jingle- please make a short video of it for me please :)
You've guessed it, it's another blog from the Motivational Monday segment where Nicole preaches to you about things you probably already know. Don't you just love it? ... I actually really do love writing these so I hope you love reading them, my beautiful fairies. 

Without further ado, here is today's message from me to you.

We all have felt the age-old struggle for beauty and the pressure to encapsulate societal's judgement of what beauty is. We see the girls (and guys) that are projected onto our TV screens from shows/films and those in advertisement for clothes/make-up and everything else you could possibly think of and we aspire to be like them. Whether we want it or not, we all have the thought process that we need to look like them, or act like them to be classed as beautiful.

And let me tell you something people, it's absolute bollocks.

How many times have I actually swore in my blog? Meh, it's a rare occurrence but it's much needed.

I am sick of being made to feel like I am not beautiful because I don't look like the celebrities out there or the models of this era. We all need to remember that we are all different for a reason- and that every individual on this Earth has a little something to offer the world that no-one else has the possession of. We're all unique, special and most of all, we're all needed.

I want you all to remember that when people say "your imperfections are what makes you perfect", it's true and remember the message I want you to take from this blog "what makes you different makes you perfect." Just because the thing that makes you different isn't what society tells us is the expected doesn't mean it's not beautiful.

Everyone needs to learn this and it's probably one of the hardest things for us to do in a society where superficial appearances are valued above intellect but that should be seen as a challenge/an obstacle to overcome not a barrier to stop us or hold us back.

You're beautiful for everything that you are, including those weird quirky, different aspects that you tell yourself in the mirror makes you not beautiful. And if I have to tell you all 50 times over, day in day out, that you are; so well be it because I'm tired of people being made to feel ugly in life. Especially myself.

So stop it. Tell yourself that you're beautiful and you'll never be made to feel ugly again.

You're beautiful!

I love you all,
Forget it and you might just lose an arm...

Until next week, BYEEEEEEEEEEE

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