Monday 20 May 2013

Motivational Monday #5

I completely and utterly forgot about this, I had begun to write a blog post for Monday talking about my journey home and then it dawned on me that I was missing a very important segment! How could I forget motivational Monday? I have no clue. Thankfully, the little man that operates my brain remembered and I could bring this message to you because I know you would have been lost without it... *insert sarcasm here*

Okay, down to this motivating malarkey. I always say no. I say no to things I don't want to do. But I also find myself saying no to things I really want to do. The same with food. I am way too polite to say yes to people who offer me food that I would much rather be in my tummy. I don't know why my automatic response is always no but I don't think it's a necessarily good thing to have. Especially when I say no to things that I want, but constantly say yes to helping people that I don't want to help or agreeing to favours that I end up hating myself for.

So, I found a solution:
It's as easy as stopping myself from uttering the word no, taking a little time to think about whether I really do want something or to do something and then saying yes. It's a scary thing to do because I know there's part of me that says no for a reason, and says no because it's out of my comfort zone and I don't know if I'll enjoy myself but I want to say yes because I know that I'll have a blast doing whatever it is. I'm a pansy.

I feel like so many people, me especially, miss out on so many amazing opportunities because they are too scared and say no automatically. I think we all need to say yes to things and to not worry about the little voice in our head that is saying we shouldn't do it because as cheesy as this is going to come across, we only live once. Without all the crap that teenagers nowadays have attached to that saying, it is true- there's no point denying ourselves of things that will bring us happiness because when we look back on our lives, it will be measured by the memories of amazing things and the level of happiness.

If you're a person like me that says no so much more than you say yes, I want you to set yourself a monthly resolution to say yes to as many things as you can- whilst still keeping yourself safe and your morals in tact. Don't do anything stupid, guys! But say yes, even the feeling of accepting makes you happier, never mind the actual activity etc.

It feels good, trust me. I've been saying yes to  more things and I have created some wonderful memories because of it. Just make yourself happy, do stuff that you want and don't let fear rule your life.

Just. Say. Yes.

Except for drugs, then it's always a no! ;)

Love you all, and have a wonderfully motivated Monday

Motivational Monday #1
Motivational Monday #2
Motivational Monday #3
Motivational Monday #4

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