Tuesday 24 September 2013

Train Etiquette

I think in the last two weeks, you've heard more about trains in this blog than you have the number of Motivational Monday's there has been. But to continue on given I do take the train four times a day, I wanted to share with you some of the annoying things I have experienced whilst being on a train and the points of "train etiquette" that everyone should follow:

1. Do smile.
The amount of miserable people I have seen at the train station is ridiculous. I know it's hard to smile and be happy when it is raining outside or a Monday morning, or even because it's only just turned 7 but the world is beautiful and being alive is something we should all be happy about. I'm probably one of those annoying commuters that always smiles and looks like I am enjoying the travelling but the fact is, I'm enjoying life. I feel so blessed to be on the course I am doing and to be fit and healthy. I also like to start my day off with a smile as opposed to a grump. So, if you're travelling, try cracking a smile every once in a while please. Life really isn't that bad!

2. Don't take a seat up with your bag.
This one doesn't really apply to me because the trains I get on are almost always fairly empty and so there are a number of seats available to sit on but it really annoys me when someone takes up a seat with their bag. Nobody wants to stand up during a journey and the fact you have a seat means you're lucky. But your bag doesn't need one. Put it on your lap or on the floor to allow someone else to sit down. It's only polite and if you see people struggling for whatever reason, give up your seat please!

3. Wear deodorant.
When a train is packed full, the general smell in the carriage is not a pleasant one. But that is only made worse by people who don't wear deodorant and think they smell sweet without it. The truth is, you don't and deodorant is a must; sometimes more than once a day. Just think about the people you might have smelt on the train and then think "I don't want to be one of those". Go put deodorant on just to be on the safe side.

4. Use your manners.
Wait until other people have got off the train before you barge on. Do say thank you if someone lets you on/off first or holds the door open for you. I know sometimes you have to rush to get a train so if you do bump into someone, say sorry especially with a smile. It lessens the blow of you actually almost knocking them over and they can see that you didn't do it on purpose. As I've said before, give up your seat for others if you feel they need it more and smile.

5. Don't be too loud.
Whether you're talking on the phone or listening to music, please be courteous and don't talk to loud or have your music up too high. Not everyone in the carriage wants to be able to hear the song that is currently playing nor does someone want to hear your conversation about god knows what. It's all about managing you wanting to do your own thing and being out in public.

6. Enjoy your journey!



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