Thursday 26 September 2013

Ways To De-Stress

If you're finding yourself really stressed with the want to just escape from the world that is causing you so much pain, I have some handy tips for you: 

1. Read
One of the greatest ways to escape from your own life is to read stories in order to put yourself in another world. You can choose any genre and be in any world and you will instantly feel better. There is a sense of peace and comfort from reading even if you don't read everyday. You can be anywhere you want whilst being anyone you want. The stress of your life doesn't exist whilst you're reading. It's absolutely perfect when you're trying to de-stress. Reading is one of my favourite hobbies and it is for this reason that I love it so much.

2. Write
I know these are the cliché tips of ways to de-stress but they are clichés because they work so well. It doesn't mean that you have to carry on writing after you are de-stressed nor does it mean that you have to write a story but simply taking your mind off of the thing that is stressing you by writing can help. I like to write these blogs because they become a sense of therapy for me. They help me to manage my feelings and to take me away from life for the 10 minutes that I spend writing them. A diary is brilliant for this because not only does it give you a chance to write everyday or weekly, but it gives you a chance to reflect on what exactly is stressing you with a chance to maybe change that.

3. Listen to music
If you aren't a reader or a writer, listening to music is great and dancing makes it even better. Most of the time our stresses are because we are overworked and are sitting around too long doing something we don't like. A perfect way to alleviate this stress is to get your mind and body doing something other than thinking. You don't have to like the song but just singing along and dancing is fantastic for making you smile after a particular crappy day!

4. Take a warm bath
If you don't have time for yourself, make the time to have a long bath which will kill two birds with one stone. You need to shower, and so instead of a quick 15 minute shower, take the time to pamper yourself and extend your normal routine to relaxing in the bath. You could combine two of these ideas by reading whilst having a bath. Ultimate relaxation!

5. Sit and breathe
It may sound silly as we do this all the time but instead of churning the stress around in your head; just sit there without thinking and concentrate on your breathing. It does the world of good because you clear your head and get more oxygen pumping around your body.

6. Have an early night
Chances are that if you're stressed, you won't be going to be early or you won't be sleeping very well. Go to bed early and relax. I know it's hard not to, but try not to let thinks whirl around your head. It's hard but think of other things; i.e. things that you are looking forward to in the week or the weekend. Try hard to relax and not stress.

I love you all. We all get stressed but friends and family can help you to unwind. Let them!

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