Thursday 22 August 2013

Throwback Thursday #12

We started this segment of Throwback Thursday showing pictures of me when I was little and then took a little tour of the old school things that I grew up with and to continue with this, I thought I would give you one more edition of things from my childhood. This time, I am going to take a little journey on my favourite sweets from the 90s. I'm sure plenty of these sweets are around nowadays but I'd like to know if there are any that aren't...

1. Penny sweets
I know these are definitely not around anymore. These were the greatest invention on Earth and I'm so sad they no longer have them. They were like the pick and mix sweets nowadays but instead of weighing them, there used to be penny sweets, and two pence sweets going all the way up to 10 pence sweets. The sweet shop owner would give you a little tray that you would fill with lots of penny sweets. You would then take it to the counter and they would sort through them all counting up all your treasures. It usually took a while and I don't know how they didn't lose count but it meant that you could literally get 100 sweets for a pound. To think of that nowadays, it makes you question what is so exciting about that. But when you think you pay £4 for a cup, it does make you think how many sweets you could get for that amount back then. I feel terribly old talking about this now that I doubt many will remember this now.

2. Black Jack and Fruit Salad
I hadn't seen these on sale for years and then it was only the other week that I was in Tesco and Gerri picked these up for us to eat on our cinema date and it blew my mind. I had forgotten about how much I had loved them and didn't realise until I tasted them again. They were an iconic sweet of my past and everyone would hate the black jacks but I did like them. They also made your tongue turn black and that made them cooler somehow?! My favourite was the fruit salads though just because of how refreshing they were when you ate them.

3. Dib Dab and Double Dip
This was a child's dream and a parent's nightmare. This sweet, like most, was pure sugar but you can't get anymore hyperactive than  when you ate these. It was a hard sugar lolly that you would lick and then dip into the sherbet. The sherbet would stick to your saliva and then you would lick the sherbet off and continue to dip it until all the sherbet was gone. I don't know why it seemed like such a great sweet but I have a feeling it has to do with the fact you are doing something whilst you're eating it- dipping it into the sherbet. And also the fact that there was a heck of a lot of sugar for you to consume. The only thing I found with these was that your fingers got all sticky and the packet would always scrunch down and it was so tricky to get the last of the sherbet.

4. Push Pop
Packaging gets little kids every time because this sweet was essentially just a normal lolly but the packaging definitely made it more appealing. It was so cool to kids that you could push up the lolly and then put it back down to save it for another time. You always had that moment when eating a lolly where you don't really want it anymore but you have to eat it otherwise it goes to waste. Well this solved all your problems, because you could just push it back down, put the lid on and carry it around with you til you wanted it again. It wasn't even that good of a lolly and most of the buying definitely came from the new way to eat a lolly. How very Western of us to be like that...

5. Candy Necklaces
These were one of the greatest sweets because you could wear them around your neck and carry your sweets with you. You would then pull it away, bite it until each little circle would break it half and eat it. Sometimes, I would eat half of it, keep half on the string and then fire it at people like a slingshot. It was not just a yummy sweet but was a great weapon. The more you ate of it, the more the string that made the necklace got all sticky and it would end up becoming a mess but I loved it. My Mum would buy great big boxes of these from Macro and I remember after, they brought in the bracelets and the watches to complete the set!

6. Toxic Waste
These are by far the worst sweets known to me when I was younger. They were so intensely sour that it would make my teeth hurt from the amount of sugar packed into them. They were not sweets you enjoyed but rather ones you took into school to either a) give to your friends to watch their hilarious reactions or b) ate them at school to make yourself look cool. Nothing about eating them was a lovely experience and I have to admit, I did buy these once or twice when I was in high school because they had become the in thing but I quickly found out that they weren't worth the money.

Which of these are still around and which ones did you have when you were younger? Of course, as always, I couldn't put all the sweets down that I used to have but these are some of the most memorable. Are there ones that you think I should've included and if there are, let me know in the comments :)

Love you all!

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